Friday, March 6, 2009

Still Eurotrashed...

I'm flying to Austria today, then it's off to Brussels and Rotterdam. It shall be days of elegance and refinement, after which I shall return to being the only place on the internet that posts YouTube videos.  

Auf Weitersein!  I leave you with Europe's all-time most important cultural contribution:

Stay Gabber!
All your favorite sounds...

I swoon to hear the Annenberg trust logo:

Three beautiful synth drones ooze together in ocean blue harmony.
It's a 4 second soundscape that gently opens your mind and while you open your tapper keeper. It's a sound that says: Get ready to learn!  

Enter 60s Moog Maestro Mort Garson.  Mort created cosmic soundtracks to the Zodiac, National Geographic films, uh... plants, and a bunch of other stuff you can only find in the musty, dark, old-record section of your public library.  The sounds he coaxed from his keyboards, like the Annenberg jam above, have a cerebral, innocent, utopian mood perfectly suited to the classroom.

Lucky for us nerdlingers, there's an entire subgenre of contemporary electronic music that specializes in a revival of this tone.   

Damn, here's a whole label devoted to it.

Science class electro.  Bump it at your next alumni meeting.